RPG.net character creation challenge January 2024 - Day 1
I am taking part in the annual challenge on rpg.net to create 31 RPG characters in January 2024.
For week one I am creating 5 characters at level 1 for the relatively new OSR game ShadowDark, by Kelsey Dionne of The Arcane Library (https://www.thearcanelibrary.com/). This was Kickstarted in early 2023, funding on 30 March 2023 with $3.65 million and over 13,000 backers. The Kickstarter was fulfilled at the end of 2023 and I received my hard copies on 30 December in the UK (see picture)
So the first character I am making is Parlay, The First Rider, a level 1 human Fighter.
Str: 14 (+2) load:12; Dex: 12 (+1); Con: 14 (+2); Int 11 (+0); Wis 11 (+0); Cha 9 (-1)
Background: Barbarian
A GreatAxe wielding fighter who believes himself destined to be his clan’s First Rider - basically pre eminent warrior To do this he has to prove himself in the ruins of the Lost Cities
Alignment: Neutral - worshipper of Gede
AC: 10+1(leather)+2(Dex) = 13
HP: 5 (on d8) +2 = 7
Attacks: 2H Great Axe +4 to hit, d10+1 damage
1H Great Axe +4 to hit, d8+1 damage
Gear (gp)[load]: Crawling kit (7)[7], Leather armour (10)[1]; GreatAxe (10)[2]; flask (0.3)[1]; Crowbar (0.5)[1].; coins - 2 gold, 2 silver (all he had left of 30 gold) [0] = load of 12 of 12 available slots
Talents: Hauler (load bonus); +1 to melee & ranged attacks (added to weapons); weapon mastery: GreatAxe; Grit - bonus on Str actions
Languages: common and orcish
More tomorrow I hope
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